Sue Parker Hall welcomes you to Empathic Anger Management, a radical new approach to anger management that helps you address the underlying issues including PTSD. home

Research & Articles
Oct 2008: ‘Anger, Rage & Relationship: An Empathic Approach to Anger Management, London, Routledge (85,000 words)
January 2006: ‘Grasping Anger by the Tale’; an analysis of the ways in which therapists make meaning of anger both personally and in their work with clients in order to deepen understanding of the phenomenon and how to work with it; using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (24,000 words) view word doc
Oct 2008: co-written with Hall R, Addiction Today, Sailaday OK; Analysis of a marine wilderness therapeutic activity
Nov 2008: Sailaday OK: analysis of the role of a marine wilderness therapeutic activity in stress management, International Stress Management Journal
2011, Co-written with Hall R, Even when it’s dark, I don’t have to be lost: Two therapeutic interventions for wilderness therapy at sea, Addiction Today
2012, A Radical Re-Vision of Domestic Abuse: Making the Case for a Non-Gendered, Empathic Approach, The Psychotherapist Journal, 50, p18 – 21
Conference presentations
April 2002: ITA National Conference, ‘Living and Working in Groups’, ‘Anger, Rage & Relationship’, Edinburgh
April 2003: ITA National Conference, ‘Expanding Perspectives in Transactional Analysis, Swansea (Institute & Workshops), presented ‘Anger, Rage & Relationship’ workshop
March 2004: BACP Research Conference (poster presentation); ‘Grasping Anger by the Tale’ models, London
April 2004: ITA National Conference, ‘Light and Shadow’, Reading, presented ‘Everyone in my Address Book is Capable of Murder’;
May 2005: BACP ‘Research that Makes a Difference’ Conference, Nottingham University, Nottingham (presented poster ‘Presenting models of anger and rage and their impact on therapists’;
September 2005: Irish Association of University and College Counsellors, Athlone, Ireland (presented 1 x day ‘Anger, Rage and Relationship’ CPD training
November 2005: Research Conference Day, University of Bristol; ‘Grasping Anger by the Tale’, VIV); 1 x day
May 2006: BACP research conference, ‘The consumer and counselling research’, Glasgow (poster presentation, Grasping Anger by the Tale)
October 2006: Malta Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, University of Malta, Valetta; (facilitated ‘Anger, Rage & Relationship’ workshop);
May 2009: Politics and Psychotherapy Conference, ‘Realizing the Potential’, Glasgow, ‘Social Activism and Adult Rage’ (morning paper presentation / workshop)
June 2009, The British Society of Criminology Conference, “A ‘Mirror’ or a ‘Motor’? What is Criminology for?”, Duluth Model: De Rigueur or Dinosaur? (paper presentation), Cardiff
July 2010, Institute for Cultic Studies, Conference, Psychological Manipulation, Cultic Groups and Harm, Anger, Rage, Pseudo-Personality and Cults (paper co-presenter with Gillie Jenkinson), New York
July 2011, Institute for Cultic Studies, Conference, paper presentation, Psychological Manipulation, Cultic Groups and Harm, sole paper presenter, The Duluth Model: Psycho-Educational Programme or Salem Witch Trials’ (Miller, 1953) ‘Ideological Closed System of Logic’ (Thaler Singer 2003)? Anger, Rage, Pseudo-Personality and Cults (paper co-presenter with Gillie Jenkinson), Barcelona
November 2011, First National Conference for Men and Boys, ‘Improving Services for Men and Boys’, Brighton, lead participant (panel), Domestic Violence: How can we help men and boys experiencing domestic violence (and how can we prevent it in the first place)? and activist slot, ‘It’s not education, it’s preaching’ (IDAP participant); a critique of IDAP
April 2012, ‘A Radical reVision of domestic abuse: making the case for a non-gendered, empathic approach’, The Psychotherapist, issue 50, p18-21
April 2013, co written with Hall R, 6IATC conference, paper presentation, ‘Sailing as a Metaphor for Life and Recovery; Using TA concepts to analyze a night sail exercise’, Prague
April 2014, ITA National Conference, Cardiff, 1 hour Livestream presentation: ‘Anger, Rage & TA’
April 2014, ITA National Conference, Cardiff, 3 hour workshop, Time Out! Honouring the Person in the Professional. A space to consider the emotional, physical and spiritual impact of our work
June 2015, International Cultic Studies Conference, Stockholm, Panel Chair, The Role of Forgiveness in Recovery from Cults
2015, When There’s Nobody There, Rage and Shame will Keep you Company, Online Events interviewed by John Smith
2016, The Shadow Side of Mindfulness, Online Events interviewed by John Smith
November 2017, Being Mindful of Mindfulness: Exploring the Dark Side, The Transactional Analyst